Research Shows Acupuncture improves Endometriosis Pain

“Efficacy of acupuncture for Endometriosis-associated pain: a multicenter randomized single-blind placebo-controlled trial”. Peng, LS, et al, 2023

This study published in the journal of Fertility and Sterility examined the safety and efficacy of acupuncture for endometriosis related pain. Women between 20-40 years with moderate to severe endometriosis pain were randomly allocated to receive acupuncture or a control treatment. The control used was sham acupuncture, where needles are placed in non-acupoints. 

After 12 weeks of regular treatment the study found a reduction in period pain, a shorter duration of pain and an increase in quality of life scores for those receiving acupuncture, when compared with the sham control group. The efficacy of the treatment was reduced after the acupuncture was discontinued. 

This study confirms that regular treatment with acupuncture can reduce the severity and duration of the pain of endometriosis. The results demonstrated that regular treatment frequency was most effective for pain management, with the effect decreasing after treatments were stopped. 

All research studies have limitations and we need to be careful when interpreting the results. However, this investigation showed positive results, particularly for patients with moderate to severe pain who are seeking alternative options for pain management. 

If you are hoping to manage your endometriosis pain with acupuncture, ideally you would have weekly sessions for 4-6 weeks to begin. Treatments can be tapered to fornightly, then monthly or as needed, as the pain improves. Herbs and nutrients are important to assist with managing the pain in between sessions, and will help to extend the benefits of acupuncture treatment.