Food and Herbs for Autumn Health

Autumn is the season of gathering and harvest. It is the time to collect and store what you’ll need for Winter. With an emphasis on nurturing, supporting and building, our bodies direct energy inwards in preparation for the cooler months. 

The Organs of Autumn

In Chinese medicine, Autumn is the season of the Lungs and Large Intestine, working together in harmony. The Lungs take in the Qi of the air and disperse it around the body. The Large Intestine is an organ of elimination, helping us to let go of what we no longer need, both physically and energetically. With this pairing we take in what we need, and let go of what we don’t. 

The Qi of the lungs also forms a layer of the immune system, and protects the body from external attack by viruses, colds and germs. 

What to Eat in Autumn

Eating seasonally will ensure you’re getting what your body needs; foods that clear and moisten the lungs, and support the digestive system. Apples, pears, figs and persimmons nourish the lungs. Dark green leaves and root vegetables support the digestion. Nuts are a dense source of nutrition, and most are in season in Autumn. 

Intuitively you might be moving away from cold foods and salads, towards warm soups and stews. Cold foods can damage the digestion in Autumn, where warm foods are easily digested and support the yin. 

Mushrooms are an extra special Autumn harvest; include a wide variety in your cooking when you can. Some mushrooms including reishi, cordyceps and lion’s mane have been used medicinally for centuries. When taken as powders or prepared products they have a variety of functions including tonifying the Qi and Jing essence of the body, and boosting immunity. 

Herbs for Immunity

During the seasonal transition, herbal formulas can give extra support. As the weather cools the Lungs become particularly susceptible, and the immune system is working harder to repel seasonal lurgies. 

Yu Ping Feng San is a favourite formula for bolstering the Qi and supporting the immune system. This formula is a powerful blend of just 3 herbs that work synergistically to strengthen the body’s natural defences and promote overall wellness.

Yu Ping Feng San is traditionally used to treat a wide range of health issues, including chronic fatigue, allergies, respiratory infections, and even autoimmune disorders. By enhancing the body’s immunity, this formula can help you stay healthy and energised. 

Chinese herbs are rarely used on their own, but are combined in formulas in specific ratios. Here, they work together synergistically, each ingredient enhancing and balancing the others, to promote health and harmony. Herbal medicine is a safe and accessible option for boosting your health, but should be used in consultation with a registered practitioner to ensure the formula is right for your situation. 

If you are concerned about your immune health and are wanting more support, a consultation with a registered health practitioner can help to identify and address any imbalances in your body.