Boost Your Health - How Supplements can Help

As a Chinese medicine practitioner, acupuncture and herbs are the main tools I use to support your health. However there are some situations where I will suggest supplements as well, to help you move towards sustainable, vital wellbeing. 

Supplements have a bit of a bad reputation – people either think they’re going to be a magic bullet, or a total waste of money. As with most things, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Thoughtful use of quality supplements can be an important part of your overall prescription – they won’t be everything, but they won’t be nothing either. 

Having a balanced and nutritious diet is the best way to get the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. However, there are certain situations where taking supplements can be beneficial, even if your diet is already pretty good.

You May Have an Increased Need  

Stress, pregnancy or a chronic medical condition may increase your body’s requirements for certain nutrients that are difficult to access through food. Physically eating enough of those foods might also not be possible. For example, organ meats and oysters are high in CoQ10, but you would need to eat 10 beef hearts to obtain a therapeutic dose. 

Diet Alone May Not be Enough 

Some nutrients are more difficult to obtain from diet alone, such as vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids.  Additionally, life is busy and you may not always be able to eat as well as you like. Supplements can help bridge the gap and ensure you are getting enough of these essential nutrients. 

Food Quality Affects Nutrient Content  

The state of the soils in which our food is grown affects the nutrient levels of our fruits and vegetables. Due to the geology of our continent, Australia’s soils are some of the most nutrient poor and unproductive in the world. Decades of intensive farming, land clearing and poor soil conservation contribute to the loss of biodiversity and soil nutrition. Some processing techniques such as cooking and storage can also lower the nutrient content of our food. 

Supporting the Substance of the Body

Chinese medicine is an energetic practice – we work with imbalances in the energy of the body to address health problems. Sometimes we also need to address the substance of the body, such as a low level of vitamin D or iron. In this case, we can work with both the nutrient depletion AND the energetic imbalance, to help you move towards optimal health. 

Use Practitioner Only When You Can

The type of supplements you choose is also important. Where possible, choose practitioner only products. These products can only be sold with a prescription from an approved health practitioner. 

Using practitioner only products allows me to be certain of the quality and efficacy of the products I prescribe. Practitioner only products are manufactured according to strict quality control standards, ensuring they are free from contaminants and impurities. Cheaper forms of some nutrients are also less efficiently absorbed or metabolised by the body. Practitioner only products are formulated for maximum absorption and utilisation. 

Sometimes Over The Counter is Okay

There are some circumstances where an over-the-counter product is identical or similar to a more expensive option. To keep good health affordable, I will always let you know when this is the case. 

Avoid Unnecessary Supplementation

Advertising and social media health advice can be persuasive and it is tempting to try a few things to see if they’ll work for you. Seeking guidance from a health practitioner can avoid wasted time and money, and ensure products are right for your circumstances. Products containing herbs or large doses of nutrients are best taken in consultation with a practitioner.  

Start with Diet  

Supplements can work in conjunction with your lifestyle, but should never replace a healthy diet. Whole foods contain many other beneficial nutrients that supplements may not provide. Nutrients in food work in synergistic combinations that are more potent than nutrients taken alone, and a diet full of unprocessed, whole foods is the best starting point to maintain good health.